Below are listings of local job opportunities provided by AzureGreen, BeltaneHill, and other local businesses. If you'd like us to add your listing, please let us know at info@beltanehill.com
Job opportunties at AzureGreen and other Local Businesses
Currently, AzureGreen does not have any staff openings. Please check back to see if positions in the AzureGreen office or shipping department have become available.
Local Crafts and Designers
AzureGreen is always on the look out for locally created crafts that we would be able to sell to our global market. If you are a craftsman or woman who would like to submit your product for review, please go to the
AzureGreen's buyer's site, Abyss Distribution, or contact Adair directly at
Other Businesses
If you have a business from the area around Middlefield MA with employment opportunities please let us known, and we will post your information.